Friday, 25 February 2011

kites fest

As I promised on my last posting that I wanna talk about beach, hehe.. Alright, I love beach, yes I do.. I love that kinda attraction more than mountain or hill. I prefer warm places than cold one. And yea, I've been to many beaches but still my country has the most beautiful one so far, hehe.. *don't protest*
So, now I wanna show you some pics when I visited a beach in Jogjakarta and there was kites festival. Many huge and awesome kites were flied there. On that occasion, I wore a brown dress that I bought in Thailand last year with elephant pictures on it (yeaa.. Thailand is identical with elephant) and I combined it with blue jeans vest and black Fedora hat. Enjoy!

And now, welcome to color television aliens!! :P

*Pic by Sad-tian


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